Are the classroom sessions free?

Yes, these presentations are free, thanks to the Gold Industry Group and its supporting member companies participating in the program as Gold Class Facilitators. Following the Sessions, schools will also receive a complimentary Gold Resources Kit.

Who are our Gold Class Facilitators?

Our Gold Class Facilitators work directly in Australia’s gold mining industry in a range of careers including geologists, metallurgists, engineers, people in finance, human resources and law, administrators, environmental specialists and many more. They are passionate about the gold industry, sharing their career insights and journey, and teaching others about this important resource. We are fortunate to have them volunteer their time, sometimes even on their ‘R and R’ to visit local schools for these incursions.

What should I do if I want to book more than one session?

Please fill in separate booking forms for each class or let us know in the notes. If these bookings are all submitted for the same date, you may either receive one Facilitator to your school or several. Each Facilitator’s contact information will be provided prior to the session in a booking confirmation email.

When should I book a Gold Class Session?

You should book a Gold Class Session in the middle or towards the end of any gold-related learning. Please choose dates and times that reflect when your ideal session would take place in line with your school timetable to the nearest 15 minutes, but these can be adjusted if need be in consultation with the facilitator who accepts the booking. While there is no guarantee we will be able to facilitate your session, it is rare that we won’t be able to resolve any scheduling issues.

What is required of my school?

Please ensure the administration staff are aware a guest presenter will arrive on the requested date, and they have access to a laptop, computer or Smartboard and projector screen as they will have their demonstration ready on a USB drive or their own laptop.

All Facilitators are gold industry professionals who have volunteered their time to deliver this Program, so please make them feel welcome and support them with behaviour management and grouping of students.

We will follow up post-session for your feedback regarding the experience and ask that you please take the time to complete a short survey so that we may continue to improve the Program. Please also share any photos taken on the day with us on social media and tag us onFacebook,InstagramorTwitterand use #heartofgold and #experiencegold. If your school publishes a piece on the experience, please also send this to us

Will you take photos at the Gold Class Session, Careers Session or Expo?

We will send you a photo release form in your confirmation email. It is ideal that you sign this form and send it back to us to allow photos to be taken at your Gold Class Session. Photos are completely optional for students and if taken with permission, could be used across Gold Industry Group and related social media and communication platforms. Please let us know if there are particular students who do not have photo permission.

My school holds a career expo or event during the year. Can you attend?

Yes! We would love to attend your school career expo. Please get in touch via email or fill in a career expo request here: Book Session – Careers – National Gold Education Program

Do I need to download the Heart of Gold Australia app prior to the session?

Although there isn’t usually time to experience our Heart of Gold Australia App during the session, our facilitators may mention the App. You are most welcome to download this on to student devices for them to explore.The bundle within the app must be downloaded to every device in order to participate in the app activities.

Do Facilitators have a Working with Children (WWC) Check?


What if I need to cancel my booking or I will be away?

Please contact us if you need to cancel your booking. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as illness or being called away, it is essential to ensure that a competent staff member, rather than a relief teacher, is available on the day. If this is not possible, we kindly request that the session be rescheduled.

It is imperative that Gold Class Facilitators are supported by school staff during sessions, and having staff present who have established relationships with the students is non-negotiable to ensure the success of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions